How to Click with People
The Secret to Better Relationships in Business and in Life
By: Dr. Rick Kirschner
Published: July 5, 2011
Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
ISBN-10: 1401323200
ISBN-13: 978-1401323202
Publisher: Hyperion
"When we are so in sync that we can practically complete each other's sentences, we've tapped into the power of resonance. And when we've tapped into the power of resonance, we've clicked", writes speaker and consultant, Dr. Rick Kirshner, in his engaging and very practical book How to Click with People: The Secret to Better Relationships in Business and in Life. The author describes how getting along with others, through that sudden and almost instant connection he calls clicking, helps people to advance in their careers and enhance their business success.
Rick Kirshner recognizes that some people just naturally click well with other people. Indeed, almost everyone has experienced that feeling of resonance and clicking with someone in their lives. For the author, this phenomenon need not be confined to just a small circle of friends and colleagues. Rick Kirschner demonstrates that clicking with others is not an innate talent possessed by only a fortunate few people. Instead, the author offers steps and techniques to be learned and practiced, that transform clicking into another skill that can be learned and developed by anyone. For Tick Kirschner, a person's skills in working effectively with other people are the true keys to success in careers, business, and in one's personal life.

Rick Kirschner (photo left) understands that all business is people business. With that simple, yet very powerful premise in mind, the author shares methods and ideas to help the individual get along better with other people. Dr. Kirschner doesn't advocate subservience or being a yes person. Instead, the author recommends treating people as equals, listening to their ideas, and treating others with respect. Rick Kirschner identifies four basic communication types that people must identify and understand, so as to enhance their ability, to click with all types of people. Those four basic communication styles are:
* The action-oriented individual
* The accuracy-oriented individual
* The approval-oriented individual
* The appreciation-oriented individual
For me, the power of the book is how Dr. Rick Kirschner presents the empowering concept of clicking and resonating with others in a holistic and easy to understand and implement format. The author provides a strong theoretical background to the concept of clicking and why that resonance with others is so important. Rick Kirscher combines that theory with a series of practical steps and methodology for developing and practicing a strong sense of clicking with others. A regular practice of the skills taught in the book will result in anyone achieving a higher level of instant rapport with other people of all communication types, including those problem people with whom we never seem to be able to connect. Rick Kirschner strengthens his book with an important section on building the click factor in teams and across entire organizations.
I highly recommend the personal communication building and empowering book How to Click with People: The Secret to Better Relationships in Business and in Life by Dr. Rick Kirschner, to anyone in any career, business, or walk of life who seeks to improve their personal and professional relationships with other people. The author wisely considers all business to be based on the connections and interactions between people, and this book teaches anyone how to become much better at the relationship building side of their career, business, and off work lives.
Read the insightful and rapport boosting book How to Click with People: The Secret to Better Relationships in Business and in Life by Dr. Rick Kirschner, and discover the personal empowerment enhancing skills of connecting better with others. When you click with other people, you enjoy life and work more, and your success rate in all aspects of your life soars to ever greater heights.
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