Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ted Demopoulos: Effective Internet Presence - Blog Business Success Radio


Blogging expert Ted Demopoulos, and author of the free pdf ebook Effective Internet Presence, describes how to build an effective internet presence, and why it's now required to boost your business success.

Ted Demopoulos is my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, January 31, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Author and blogger Ted Demopoulos describes how to build effective internet presence and why it's now required for success in business. You will learn:

* Why it's crucial to have an effective internet presence

* Practical and proven techniques to build your online visibility

* The importance of being found in Google searches for your products and services

* How using social media and online networking can enhance business growth

Ted Demopoulos’ (photo left) professional background includes over 25 years of experience in Information Technology and Business, including 15 years as an independent consultant. Ted helped start a successful information security company, was the CTO at a "textbook failure" of a software startup, and has advised several other startups.

He is a frequent speaker at conferences, conventions, and other business events, author of What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting: Real-Life Advice from 101 People Who Successfully Leverage the Power of the Blogosphere, and coauthor of Blogging for Business.

Ted conducts Leadership and Information Security Bootcamps for The SANS Institute, and is the principal of Demopoulos Associates, a consulting organization specializing in information security and new media.

Ted Demopoulos blogs at TEDBlog.

My book review of of the pdf ebook Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos.

My book review of What No One Ever Tells You About Blogging and Podcasting: Real-Life Advice from 101 People Who Successfully Leverage the Power of the Blogosphere by Ted Demopoulos.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with blogging expert Ted Demopoulos, and author of the free pdf ebook Effective Internet Presence, as he describes how to build an effective internet presence, and why it's now required to boost your business success on Blog Business Success Radio.


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CotC From One Man Band to Bizosphere

This week the all new Carnival of the Capitalists and continues at the home of CotC, Bizosphere; with One Man Band as the post selection adviser for the week.

This week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists highlights the best bloggers writing on the internet today, and even posts from the mainstream media, as part of the new business magazine focus.

It's always great to read and discover the many high quality business and economics blogs, out there in the blogosphere.

We don't always get to them all, and this edition of Carnival of the Capitalists has introduced many of us to some brand new ones; as well as some long time contributors.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists that made the cut.

My post is titled “Recession management: Positive brand image” where I discuss how building a strong and positive brand image is vital to business success in any economic climate. During an economic downturn, a good brand reputation could be a matter of your company survival. When times are hard, people prefer to do business with others whom they know and trust, even more than when the economy is strong. What people think of your brand and its promise are essential to that trust.

If you wish to submit an entry to next week's, or any Carnival of the Capitalists edition, e-mail your entries to the new address:

thecotc -at- gmail -dot- com

You can always use the handy entry form at Gongol.com where all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Talk about making it easy to be included!

The growth and staying power, of Carnival of the Capitalists, has resulted in some serious problems for the carnival concept. Many hosts had been complaining of the number of bad posts that were being submitted, and those posts were lowering the carnival quality. In fact, it has been observed by many that the carnival concept has jumped the shark.

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists will continue hosting, at the home of CotC, at Jay Solo's Bizosphere.

In the meantime, click your mouse over to the Bizosphere hosting of Carnival of the Capitalists.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos - Book review

Effective Internet Presence

By Ted Demopoulos

Format: ebook pdf

Price: Free Download

"If you don’t exist online, do you really exist?", is the provocative question posed by blogging and online presence expert Ted Demopoulos, in his complimentary pdf ebook Effective Internet Presence. He goes on to explain that if search engines, including industry leader Google, can't find or rank your site, then you don't really exist online.

Ted Demopoulos makes the case that any successful business, whether online or offline, must have an effective internet presence. Failure to have that internet visibility means that customers searching online, for a company's goods and services, will find a competitor's website instead. In literal terms, any business not found in the search engines doesn't exist as a search option.

Ted Demopoulos (photo left)

There is more to internet presence than simply creating a website, and hoping people will click to its glories. Ted Demopoulos points out that internet visibility includes blogs, social media sites, online articles and press releases, and forum posts, to name just a few. Without that web relationship building, a business person not only misses out on potential sales, but also on networking opportunities, possible joint ventures and partnerships, and an enhancement of their professional reputation. The cost of not being internet savvy is high.

For me, the power of the book was in its simplicity, and no nonsense approach to building an effective internet presence. As a free downloadable pdf ebook, the information is doubly valuable, as many of the concepts discussed are often found in traditional books. The ebook is also part of the author's philosophy, as the pdf creates more internet presence for his business. For Ted Demopoulos, walking the talk is as important part of building online trust and internet business as well.

I recommend Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos for anyone seeking a quick, readable, and informative primer on building an internet business. The information is presented well, and can be read in one session, and reread when needed for a refresher of ideas. As an added bonus, the pdf ebook is free.

Download and read Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos, and build a growing and prosperous internet business.

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Recession management: Positive brand image

Building a strong and positive brand image is vital to business success in any economic climate. During an economic downturn, a good brand reputation could be a matter of your company survival. When times are hard, people prefer to do business with others whom they know and trust, even more than when the economy is strong. What people think of your brand and its promise are essential to that trust.

When money is in short supply, your customers become more reluctant to spend their limited cash. As a result, they will be much more careful about who receives their business. In the Great Depression of the 1930's, people were so short of cash, they often were dependent on credit at certain stores. That hard earned trust was considered a two way arrangement. In return for the credit during cash shortages, customer loyalty was nurtured that continued even when the economy improved.

Depression survivors were very loyal to certain businesses and reliable products that delivered on their brand promise. There was no margin for error, as a bad brand represented a major cash loss. It became a commonplace for those who lived through the Great Depression, to retain loyalty for their entire lives, to brands that kept their word on quality and reliability.

It's not enough to expand marketing efforts and to increase advertising and sales staff to gain market share. Those contrarian activities are important in recessions to retain and expand your company's customer list. At the same time, it's crucial that your products and services meet the promises made in those marketing materials. A customer who feels as if their needs were ignored, or taken for granted, will take their potential for long term loyalty to your competitors. Your brand promise must be kept, or your customers will disappear. As in the Great Depression, that perceived loyalty remains a two way street.

Modern customers may revive that long term brand support even outside of a recession. A promise kept on brand performance can still build lifetime loyalty, as well as creating customer evangelists who will spread the word about your products and services. Brand loyalty becomes even more crucial to business survival when money is tight. As a result of an economic slow down, wise business owners and managers would be well served to ensure that all their brand promises were kept, and also improved upon for success.

With slower economic conditions, loyalty to proven brand winners will be the order of the day. It's vital to your business success that your brand delivers on its word. When the economy rebounds, your superior products and services will win a loyal customer base for life.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Dawn Rivers Baker: The Rise of the One Person Business - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Public policy consultant Dawn Rivers Baker, President and CEO of Wahmpreneur Publishing, Inc. and editor of The MicroEnterprise Journal, and who blogs at The Journal Blog describes the rapid growth of entrepreneurial non-employer businesses including who these new solopreneurs are, their business styles, as well as their niches and industries, to boost your business success.

Dawn Rivers Baker is my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, January 24, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Dawn Rivers Baker describes the rapid growth of new entrepreneurial non-employer businesses including the people, their business ideas, as well as where you will find them. You will learn:

* The importance of non-employer business to the economy

* The industries and niches where solopreneurs are most frequently doing business

* Problems faced by non-employer business owners

* Ideas for growing a one person company

Dawn Rivers Baker (photo left)

What if you heard of a woman who grew up in a public housing project in Philadelphia, surrounded by teen mothers and gang violence, herself the product of a single-parent family dependent on welfare?

What if you heard about another woman, who enjoyed all the privileges of an exclusive finishing school followed by an Ivy League university and an exciting career, first in law and then in journalism?

What if I told you that both of those women are Dawn Rivers Baker?

Dawn Rivers Baker is the President and CEO of Wahmpreneur Publishing, Inc., and the editor and publisher of The MicroEnterprise Journal and the Microbusiness News Briefs. She is also the founder and board chairman of The Microbusiness Research Institute, a non-profit non-partisan research organization whose mission is to collect and publicize data on microbusinesses and their impact on the larger U.S. economy.

She is a member of the Online News Association and a National Partner with Women Impacting Public Policy. In 2003, the Syracuse New York District of the U.S. Small Business Administration named Ms. Baker as Small Business Journalist of the Year. She has also been selected for annual inclusion in Marquis' Who's Who in America® and Who's Who of American Women®.

Ms. Baker is also often sought by fellow journalists for her expertise on microbusinesses. She is the exclusive news provider for BusinessOwnersIdeaCafe.com; she has been a featured guest on Internet radio and podcast shows such as Jim Blasingame's Small Business Advocate and Small Business TrendWire with Anita Campbell. She has also been quoted in articles in such publications as the Chicago Tribune Magazine, Information Week, CBS Marketwatch, and Entrepreneur's Be Your Own Boss magazine.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Dawn Rivers Baker, President and CEO of Wahmpreneur Publishing, Inc. and editor of The MicroEnterprise Journal, and who blogs at The Journal Blog describes the rapid growth of entrepreneurial non-employer businesses including who these new solopreneurs are, their business styles, as well as their niches and industries, on Blog Business Success Radio.


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CotC: From PartnerUp to Bizosphere

This week the all new Carnival of the Capitalists and continues at the home of CotC, Bizosphere; with the guest host and post selector Mike from PartnerUp, the social network for entrepreneurs.

This week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists highlights the best bloggers writing on the internet today, and even posts from the mainstream media, as part of the new business magazine focus.

It's always great to read and discover the many high quality business and economics blogs, out there in the blogosphere.

We don't always get to them all, and this edition of Carnival of the Capitalists has introduced many of us to some brand new ones; as well as some long time contributors.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists that made the cut.

My post is titled "Home offices : Capitalism helping the environment" where I discuss how We often hear that people should think globally and act locally to protect the environment. Often forgotten among the segments of society who are doing their share to conserve resources for future generations are home based offices and businesses. In an era of Peak Oil and climate change, the telecommuter and solopreneur are more important to the economy than ever.

If you wish to submit an entry to next week's, or any Carnival of the Capitalists edition, e-mail your entries to the new address:

thecotc -at- gmail -dot- com

You can always use the handy entry form at Gongol.com where all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Talk about making it easy to be included!

The growth and staying power, of Carnival of the Capitalists, has resulted in some serious problems for the carnival concept. Many hosts had been complaining of the number of bad posts that were being submitted, and those posts were lowering the carnival quality. In fact, it has been observed by many that the carnival concept has jumped the shark.

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists will be hosted at the home of CotC at Jay Solo's Bizosphere; and it will be hosted there for the immediate future, with cehwiedel as the post selection advisor for the week.

In the meantime, click your mouse over to the Bizosphere hosting of Carnival of the Capitalists.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Home offices : Capitalism helping the environment

We often hear that people should think globally and act locally to protect the environment. Often forgotten among the segments of society who are doing their share to conserve resources for future generations are home based offices and businesses. In an era of Peak Oil and climate change, the telecommuter and solopreneur are more important to the economy than ever.

Home based business ventures and home satellite offices are now a fixture of the modern economy. Service based industries and outsourced subcontractors are one of the fastest growing segments of the business landscape. Many large corporations are using telecommuting and modern technology to manage off site employees as well. With the rise of the internet, as a base for entirely new business models, countless virtual companies exist purely as online entities.

Usually, the discussion of home based companies, virtual organizations, and distance employees revolves around the cost savings and boost to the local economies. While these are the most obvious benefits of home located companies, there are some hidden benefits to society as well. One of those seldom discussed values of working from home is protection of the environment and less drain on global stocks of fossil fuels. The gasoline consumption, and exhaust emission levels of the commuter are reduced dramatically, when going to work means simply walking to another room in the house.

The world is entering a period of more uncertainty about oil supplies, and faces the threat of Peak Oil. The concept of Peak Oil means that the supply of oil and the rate of new discoveries cannot keep pace with overall demand. As a result, the price of gasoline and other petroleum based products will continue to skyrocket into the future. The home based business person avoids part of the expense of buying gasoline for travel to work. At the same time avoiding a commute doesn't add automobile based pollution to the air, or contribute to congestion on the highways.

Many people are demanding more government regulation of emissions, fuel prices, and highway travel speeds. While these pleas go on, the competitive enterprise economy is finding its own solutions to the problem.

Capitalism based on the profit motive, is providing the answers to environmental issues, and to higher crude oil costs on its own. The main motivations for starting home based business ventures, and for sourcing and managing employees over a distance, may be immediate cost savings. Over the longer term, the profit motive works to help the environment as well, without added regulation from government.

The competitive enterprise system, when left alone to solve problems and seek profits, creates unexpected benefits for everyone. One of the beneficiaries is the environment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Carnival of the Capitalists begins at Bizosphere

This week sees a brand new approach to the traveling business show, recognized by one and all as Carnival of the Capitalists and arrives at the home of CotC at Jay Solo's Bizosphere; and it represents the first of the new format. Jay is putting into effect some major changes to the carnival, with more changes to follow.

This week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists highlights some of the best bloggers writing on the internet today, as well as some of the best and most popular entries ever to the Carnival.

Blogging topics presented include entrepreneurship, management, stock market trading, internet commerce, marketing, the national economy, and personal finance.

As you would expect from Carnival of the Capitalists, there are many discussions of economics, entrepreneurship, marketing, business management, and small business.

It's always great to read and discover the many high quality business and economics blogs, out there in the blogosphere.

We don't always get to them all, and this edition of Carnival of the Capitalists has introduced many of us to some brand new ones; as well as some long time contributors.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists almost made the cut group. I think the personal nature of the post caused it to slip into the grey area, and out of the main event. I present it here for your evaluation.

My post is titled "Personal success: Build self confidence" where I discuss how self confidence is important to anyone's success in business and in life. It might sound obvious that having confidence in your future, and that of your business, is an essential ingredient, it's not a trait everyone enjoys. In many ways, self confidence can be described as self respect and enjoyment of life's challenges.

If you wish to submit an entry to next week's, or any Carnival of the Capitalists edition, e-mail your entries to the new address:

thecotc -at- gmail -dot- com

You can always use the handy entry form at Gongol.com where all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Talk about making it easy to be included!

The growth and staying power, of Carnival of the Capitalists, has resulted in some serious problems for the carnival concept. Many hosts had been complaining of the number of bad posts that were being submitted, and those posts were lowering the carnival quality. In fact, it has been observed by many that the carnival concept has jumped the shark.

As a long time supporter of the concept, I will have more to say about the new Carnival of the Capitalists in a future post.

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists will be hosted at the home of CotC at Jay Solo's Bizosphere; and it will be hosted there for the immediate future.

In the meantime, click your mouse over to the Bizosphere hosting of Carnival of the Capitalists.

If the great posted entries don't convince you to click, or the possibility of finding some brand new blogs to read doesn't do it, then visit Carnival of the Capitalists and get into business for yourself.

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David Mason: Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits - Blog Business Success Radio


Marketing strategist and business coach David Mason , and best selling author of the practical hands on book Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits shares powerful and easy to use marketing techniques to grow your independent business sales numbers to boost your business success.

David Mason is my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, January 17, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Marketing strategist and business coach David Mason shares proven, real world marketing techniques to grow your independent business sales numbers. You will learn:

* How your outlook may be the one barrier to your business success

* The importance of a unique sales proposition (USP) and how to create one

* Why direct mail and other offline techniques are a business profit builder

* How internet marketing can change any local business to a global company

David Mason (photo left) is the president of Mason Performance Development Inc. a Speaking, Training and Coaching company. As a Performance Development Coach and Marketing Strategist, David has worked with small business owners, entrepreneurs and sales and service professionals from around the world. He helps his clients get through the sticking points, set goals and take purposeful action towards achieving those goals.

David left behind a career as a Research Biologist to pursue his entrepreneurial urges. He has started, built and successfully sold two service businesses. This has led him to where he is now.

After the urge to play a 'bigger game' and much sole searching, David created a new mission for his life and his business, "to help people become more successful so that he could then help those that could not help themselves, to live a better quality of life."

David has made a commitment to an on-going education and has spent years and thousands of dollars criss-crossing North America, meeting with gurus and attending workshops, seminars, trainings and intensives on personal and professional development.

He is now a certified coach, certified trainer and a Board certified Hypnotherapist. Calling upon his knowledge and the experience gained through his own successful businesses he now helps his clients take their business and their lives to the next level through his books, eClasses, teleseminars, workshops and his Performance Development Coaching.

David is the author of the internationally best selling book, Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits. He is also co-author of Living in Abundance, part of the Wake Up... Live the Life You Love book series, along with Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rev. Michael Beckwith and other professionals from around the world. David was recently in California being filmed for the movie based on the book series, Wake Up… Live The Life You Love, due for release in 2008.

David, his wife Sandra and their two children make their home in Amherst, Nova Scotia.

My book review of Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits by David Mason.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

David Mason , and best selling author of the practical hands on book Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits as he shares powerful and easy to use marketing techniques to grow your independent business sales numbers, on Blog Business Success Radio.


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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Personal success: Build self confidence

Self confidence is important to anyone's success in business and in life. It might sound obvious that having confidence in your future, and that of your business, is an essential ingredient, it's not a trait everyone enjoys. In many ways, self confidence can be described as self respect and enjoyment of life's challenges.

Self confident people are more successful in everything they do than those who lack confidence. Hanging back while others take a leadership position won't help your business or career succeed in the ways that you would prefer. Taking an active role assures your ideas get heard and implemented. If those concepts and proposals are helpful to the organization, they should be expressed openly, and with confidence. The company's profits could depend on your speaking up and voicing an opinion.

The bad news regarding self confidence is it takes some work to achieve. The good news is self confidence can be learned with practice, and by making a personal committment to excellence. A lifetime of self doubt, often amplified by parents, teachers, and employers is a difficult habit to break. No one expects it to change overnight, but the attitude change can happen more quickly than most people think. It just takes developing a different outlook on life.

Do something that makes you happy and proud of your achievement. I'm not suggesting becoming an overbearing, arrogant, know it all. What I do recommend is you show passion in what you accomplish, and that you enjoy your job, business, and life in general. That passion will show in your face. Instead of slumped shoulders, and a perpetual frown, your head will be held higher, and wearing a smile. Life is much more pleasant when you smile and enjoy its gifts.

Set a short term goal to achieve in your job or your business. Once that goal is reached, take a moment to consider what you did, and how it will enhance the overall organizational plans. You will see immediately that your efforts make a difference. Set a new and slightly more challenging goal, and reach or exceed it as well. You will find that accomplishments grow and multiply, and you will become more confident that you can get the job done properly and well.

The first thing you notice as you feel more confident is how other people treat you at work, at home, and in the outside world. People will smile at you as you show your inner glow through your smile. You will be given more respect everywhere, and your ideas will receive the attention they deserve. Your enjoyment of work and of life will increase many times over. Life becomes more fun.

Practice achievement and boost your self confidence today. Wear a smile, and hold your head high. Look other people in the eye when you speak to them, and they will respect you for what you have to say. Self confidence can be developed, and can take your life and business to even greater heights.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Marketing Your Small Business For Big Profits by David Mason - Book review

Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits

Author: David Mason

Paperback: 100 pages
ISBN-10: 1600370772
ISBN-13: 978-1600370779
Publishing Date: September 2006
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

"Success is based on persistency and consistency and not magic", writes David Mason in his practical hands on book Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits. David Mason provides proven, real world advice, that can be applied immediately, to make your business a success.

David Mason provides the framework for developing a profitable business, in an easy to follow step by step format. The book is a quick read, but every page is overflowing with useful business and marketing advice. While many books concentrate on one aspect of marketing, the author warns against missing sales created through alternative means. Instead of letting the reader develop internet only tunnel vision, the book recommends important offline marketing concepts as a proven technique for spreading risk and enhancing profits.

David Mason (photo left) takes the additional step of reminding readers that operating a successful business takes much more than marketing skills. Along with the practical tips, are valuable life lessons for getting things done properly and on time. A major part of that need for persistence in difficult times, and consistent quality of work, involves believing in yourself. By helping to strengthen your self confidence, the author guides the reader down the road to overcoming personal doubt that can destroy a business.

For me, the power of the book is in its practical hands on approach to marketing. From developing a unique selling proposition to set your business apart from the pack to writing a successful plan, the book provides ideas that can be applied from day one. Along with the advice, an appendix of proven marketing tools is provided as a guide to getting started on the journey to success. Real world thinking is the basis of the book and the reason it's so valuable to any business person.

I recommend Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits by David Mason for any entrepreneur or manager who wants proven business ideas that can be applied to real world marketing problems.

Read Marketing Your Small Business for Big Profits by David Mason and your business will increase its sales volume and reap bigger profits.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Nettie Hartsock: Books As Credential Builders and the Blogs That Sell Them - Blog Business Success Radio


Publicist and blogger Nettie Hartsock of Hartsock Communications discusses how writing a book will boost your credibility and how blogs help your book sales skyrocket to boost your personal and business success.

Nettie Hartsock is my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, January 10, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Publicist and blogger Nettie Hartsock of Hartsock Communications discusses how writing a book will boost your credibility and how blogs help your book sales skyrocket. You will learn:

* Why becoming a published author increases your credibility

* How a book can boost your marketing and public relations profile

* How to multiply the book's credibility building power through various media

* How a blog can boost your book sales at a very low cost

Nettie Hartsock (photo left) helps individuals, authors, and companies focus on creating, conveying and connecting their message to the world and creates actionable how-to-programs which establish a powerful base for attracting both blogger and journalists attention.

Nettie is a veteran e-business journalist and PR Marathoner. Her name can even be Googled with some notable results. Nettie has lived many more than nine lives as a journalist contributing regularly to leading online and offline publications including eWeek, PC Magazine, Software CEO, Publish, PDFZone, PlanetPDF and others.

Her e-book, Start the Press! has helped countless companies increase their media and customer exposure. Her PR seminars are highly lauded for both their content and humor.

Nettie is the Business Advisor for all things PR with her Professional PR blog for allbusiness.com and she is also a very active and devoted business book journalist and publishing commentator as the Senior Blog Editor for Must Read Business Books blog with allbusiness.com .

Nettie is also a nationally published essayist and short story writer. In her years of interviewing, Nettie has been to the moon with Buzz Aldrin, visited “FutureNet” with Sally Richards, felt unbelievably under-designed interviewing usability guru Dr. Jakob Nielsen and even paddled down ” Whiskey River ” with Willie Nelson.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

BlogTalkRadio Listen Live

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

Add to iTunes

To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Nettie Hartsock of Hartsock Communications, as she discusses how writing a book will boost your credibility and how blogs help your book sales skyrocket to boost your personal and business success, on Blog Business Success Radio.


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Monday, January 7, 2008

Carnival of the Capitalists again at Small Business Essentials

This week sees a small business approach to the traveling business show, recognized by one and all as Carnival of the Capitalists and arrives at Nikole Hunter Gipps' independent business information and advice blog known as Small Business Essentials.

This week's edition of Carnival of the Capitalists highlights some of the best bloggers writing on the internet today, as well as some of the best and most popular entries ever to the Carnival.

Blogging topics presented include entrepreneurship, management, stock market trading, internet commerce, marketing, the national economy, and personal finance.

As you would expect from Carnival of the Capitalists, there are many discussions of economics, entrepreneurship, marketing, business management, and small business.

It's always great to read and discover the many high quality business and economics blogs, out there in the blogosphere.

We don't always get to them all, and this edition of Carnival of the Capitalists has introduced many of us to some brand new ones; as well as some long time contributors.

I have an entry in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists as well.

My post is titled "Boosting sales: Become a problem solver" where I discuss how sales representatives are always told, and often in not so subtle terms, to create a sense of urgency in their prospects. After all, you want the potential customer or client to purchase your products and services now rather than at some undetermined time in the future. The problem is with creating that need, on the part of the prospect, to make the purchasing decision right away.

If you wish to submit an entry to next week's, or any Carnival of the Capitalists edition, e-mail your entries to the new address:

thecotc -at- gmail -dot- com

You can always use the handy entry form at Gongol.com where all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Talk about making it easy to be included!

If you are searching for new and exciting ways to expand your blog's readership, you should seriously consider sending an entry to Carnival of the Capitalists.

Merely being included in the company, of the first rate regular Carnival of the Capitalists contributors, will enhance the reputation of your blog.

The extra visitors sent to your blog won't hurt either!

The growth and staying power, of Carnival of the Capitalists, is beginning to catch the attention of people outside the blogging community. Each hosting, brings a fresh assortment of new readers, to the various blogs involved.

The visitors aren't only bloggers anymore.

Readership is expanding to include the mainstream media, various government and private organizations, many businesses, and other interested people from beyond the blogging community.

Many people are introduced to some tremendous business blogs that they might otherwise have missed.

Next week's Carnival of the Capitalists will be hosted at the home of CotC at Jay Solo's Bizosphere; and it could be the last of its kind. Jay is considering some major changes to the carnival as the time of carnivals is passing as a concept.

In the meantime, click your mouse over to the Small Business Essentials hosting of Carnival of the Capitalists.

If the great posted entries don't convince you to click, or the possibility of finding some brand new blogs to read doesn't do it, then visit Carnival of the Capitalists and get into business for yourself.

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Boosting sales: Become a problem solver

Sales representatives are always told, and often in not so subtle terms, to create a sense of urgency in their prospects. After all, you want the potential customer or client to purchase your products and services now rather than at some undetermined time in the future. The problem is with creating that need, on the part of the prospect, to make the purchasing decision right away.

The disappointed sales person is usually faced with the classic responses, "I have to think it over", or "I'll get back to you on it." Should the sales rep agree to the delay, the opportunity for creating that sense of urgency is lost. After all, the prospect believes that purchasing today, next month, or next year are all the same thing based on the sales discussion. The problem often starts with a failure on the part of the seller to listen for the real needs and problems of the potential buyer.

To develop a sense of urgency on the part of the prospect, the sales rep should do less talking and more listening. A canned, rapid fire statement of all the great things your product and services can do for the potential customer, is of little use if their specific requirements are not being met. Let the prospect tell you their problems, and your sales team will soon discover where your goods or services can help.

Have your sales team think as problem solvers, and not salespeople. The many prospective buyers have many different and wide ranging problems facing their businesses or personal lives. Every person and business is unique, but with careful listening, your sales staff can often craft the right solution, for the individual prospect's difficulties. By listening carefully to the buyer's unique circumstances, that sense of urgency will follow.

When the buyer states the problem, which could range from direct cash losses from lower revenues to higher than necessary expenses cutting their cash flow, your sales rep should listen for the important points. Have the sales representative repeat back the problem in a paraphrased form. By repeating the exact problems back, in the sales person's own wording, it tells the buyer that your person is listening to their problems.

Since listening is not always practiced in sales, the prospect will start to form a relationship with you or with your representatives. Teach your sales staff to listen more to what the client has to say about their needs or those of their company. Stress problem solving and building relationships, when conducting sales training, rather than the older idea of simply making a sale.

Once the problem has been restated, the buyer will usually continue with even more details. More careful listening, and questions for clarification, will help the prospect understand the importance of acting now. They can see the money they could save or earn in real dollar terms, with a sales rep they feel understands their unique business. After all, the sales rep listened to and was able to fully comprehend the problem.

After the problem is fully understood, then the solution can be offered. At this point, following the full discussion of the entire range of issues and problems, the sales representative has earned the right to offer the appropriate, individually suited solution. Because the listening process uncovered the real problems, the sense of urgency to find an effective solution is created.

Instead of thinking it over, or getting back to your sales representative, the prospect will become a valued customer. A longer term relationship between your sales staff and their clients will follow as well. People buy from people who they know, trust, and who actually listen to their needs and solve their problems.

Listen first, repeat the important points back in your own words, and help the prospect tailor a solution for their problems. With your sales team turned into problem solvers, your sales revenue will rise and your customers will be happy to work with your company over the long term.

The sense of urgency is now yours. Create that team of problem solvers within your business right away.

Don't think it over. Do it today.

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