Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jim Muehlhausen: The 51 Fatal Business Errors - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Business Adviser and author of the conventional wisdom challenging book The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them, Jim Muehlhausen, gets straight to the point about the fatal mistakes that are killing your business. He describes the most common errors and offers a solution for them all. In no nonsense language, he cuts to the heart of what ails a business and offers some powerful cures. If you have lost track of your company vision, Jim Muehlhausen will get your company back on track.

Jim Muehlhausen is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, June 25, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Business Adviser and author of the conventional wisdom challenging book The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them, Jim Muehlhausen, gets straight to the point about the fatal mistakes that are killing your business. You will learn:

* Why conventional business wisdom is often very wrong

* How to avoid the fatal errors that can doom your business

* How to become a great CEO of your growing company

* How to take positive action to build a growing, successful company

Jim Muehlhausen (photo left) has been a business owner since he was nine years old. Alright, selling pens to his classmates might not qualify as a business, but Jim is a born entrepreneur and had the good fortune to grow up in an entrepreneurial family. Jim’s grandfather created one of the largest spring manufacturing companies in the U.S., and from a very young age, Jim participated in the company, learning the inner-workings of business in his teens.

Jim graduated from Valparaiso University with a B.S. in Accounting, passing the CPA exam while still in college. Jim had always planned to go to work in the family business.

Ten years after graduating from Indiana University Law and passing the bar exam, Jim admitted that he only went to law school so he wouldn’t have to be an accountant — once an entrepreneur always an entrepreneur — but after one semester of law school, Jim was bored stiff. He decided to purchase a franchise, and he chose Meineke Discount Mufflers, despite knowing nothing about cars and lacking even a lick of mechanical ability. At twenty-two years of age, Jim found himself having to talk the President of Meineke himself into taking his franchise fee. Jim ended up with three successful locations and sold the businesses for a healthy profit.

Jim then started a manufacturing company and ran it for nine years. In 1999, Jim’s company was honored by Inc. Magazine and Michael Porter from Harvard Business School as the 53rd fastest growing company in the Inc. ICC 100. Jim sold the company a year later and actually took a job with an enterprise software company.

Jim then entered the CEO coaching business. Over the past eight years, Jim has personally coached hundreds of business owners in over 2500 face-to-face coaching sessions and has clients in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

My book review of The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them by Jim Muehlhausen.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Business Adviser and author of the conventional wisdom challenging book The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them, Jim Muehlhausen, as he gets straight to the point about the fatal mistakes that are killing your business. He describes the most common errors and offers a solution for them all. In no nonsense language, he cuts to the heart of what ails a business and offers some powerful cures. If you have lost track of your company vision, Jim Muehlhausen will get your company back on track on Blog Business Success Radio.

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