Sunday, June 21, 2009

How To Win A Pitch by Joey Asher - Book review

How to Win a Pitch

The Five Fundamentals That Will Distinguish You from the Competition

By: Joey Asher

Published: May 2009
ISBN: 9780978577612
Format: Paperback, 264pp
Publisher: Persuasive Speaker Press

"My experience has shown that with the proper preparation and planning, you can greatly increase your chance of winning a pitch", writes successful coach and speaker Joey Asher in his simple guide to helping achieve more sales How to Win a Pitch: The Five Fundamentals That Will Distinguish You from the Competition. The author shares his powerful, and highly effective process for boosting the sales totals for any organization.

As a communications and selling skills coach, Joey Asher understands the importance of developing and utilizing a repeatable sales format. He focuses on the important fundamentals of a great sales presentation as the key to outperforming the competition. Those five fundamentals are:

* Focused on a business solution
* Simply organized
* Delivered with passion
* Interactive
* Well rehearsed

Each of the five sections of the book describes the essential elements of each sales presentation fundamental. The author also points out why each part of the sales process is crucial, and how each element of the presentation works in conjunction with the other sections. Joey Asher adds stories from his own sales experience that illustrate each fundamental in action, underlining its importance for the sales representative

Joey Asher (photo left) recognizes the need for an organization to stand out from its competition, regardless of the industry. To gain new customers and clients, in today's highly competitive marketplace, a company must focus on getting its sales presentations done effectively. Failure to give an effective pitch can mean much more than lost sales. A lower market share and less cash flow will have a negative effect in the business bottom line, or even result in the demise of the company. Effective sales presentations, using the proven fundamentals shared by Joey Asher, can transform a company's sales presentations from marginal to spectacular.

For me, the power of the book is in its simple, yet powerful understanding of the importance of a great sales presentation. By emphasizing the essential elements of a highly effective sales pitch, Joey Asher creates a system that helps a company's presentations stand out from those of the competition. At the same time, the fundamentals are repeatable and teachable to everyone in the organization, multiplying their effectiveness. With the fundamentals well in place, sales representatives will have more confidence in themselves, their products and services, and the company. That confidence boost will translate into more sales and potential industry dominance.

I highly recommend the practical and effective sales building book How to Win a Pitch: The Five Fundamentals That Will Distinguish You from the Competition by Joey Asher, to anyone seeking to transform their sales results from ordinary to outstanding. The five fundamentals of great presentations are easy to learn and apply, and will win more sales for the company.

Read the amazingly simple techniques taught in How to Win a Pitch: The Five Fundamentals That Will Distinguish You from the Competition by Joey Asher, and connect with your prospects in ways never before possible. Learn to focus on solutions for the customer, backed by the author's fundamentals, and watch your sales numbers soar.

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