My computer mouse was sticking today. Yoy know what I mean. The little rollers inside the mouse get something on them and they cause the little ball to stop rolling. It's annoying.
Today, I had that difficulty. Since I aggressivly move the mouse around its pad, the mouse interior is highly susceptible to picking up anything that might stray into its path. It's a bit like a mouse trap in reverse. It was time to give the mouse an internal cleansing.
I know there are other more efficient and probably effective techniques for mouse obstruction removal, but I like to use a darning needle. I like to poke around on the rollers and remove the materials manually. The resulting euphoria of the alien materials falling away, freeing the beast within, is truly wonderful. I like it.

So, you ask, what does this all have to do with blogging in general, or business blog writing in partiular? Well, nothing really, in the strictest sense of the word. On the other hand, it's very applicable to blogging and to life. It's about doing a job as you see fit, and gaining a sense of accomplishment.
All too often, we are told how to do a job. Some people will be so generous as to inform you that there is a right way to perform a task, and a wrong way. As if by magic, their personal method is always the correct one. Any other options are at best inferior, and at worst an unmitigated disaster, usually bringing about the wrath of Providence upon the practitioner.
It's the same with blogging. There is no right or wrong way to develop, write or maintain a blog. It's a very personal thing. In fact, the more personal a blog becomes in expressing your own personality and speaking in your voice, the better. Don't let the alleged experts tell you how to run your own blog. That includes me.
After all, I do clean out computer mice with a darning needle. In fact, I keep it right beside the computer at all times.
Do things your way. It's the best way to blog and to live your life.
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