Bloggers experience many moods, just like anyone else. Well, that's not especially profound. Perhaps we should consider the idea this way. Bloggers are more likely to express their emotions and feelings in written form. As a result, a blog can be a very powerful vehicle for creating and nurturing interpersonal realtionships.
At the very core of blogging is the conversation between the blog writer and the blog reader. Within that relationship, many different moods are expressed and shared. The writer may feel happy or sad, refreshed or tired, or any of the full gamut of human experience. The power of the blog is means to transform feeling into connection with others.

When feeling happy and euphoric, the blogger can share that sense of euphoria with the blog's readership. Perhaps the joy is part of a business or personal achievement. It may be simply the result of being with friends and family. As such, the blogger's writing should reflect that sense of happiness, effectively sharing it with the readers. Pass the joy along.
When feeling sad, the blog writer can express sorrow or disappointment with others. By sharing the emotions resulting from a sense of loss or failure, closure can be achieved, and the pain wased somewhat. Writing about a business or personal loss can also serve the purpose of teaching. By writing out in words, what may have gone wrong, both the blogger and the reader can learn from the experience.

When feeling alone in the world, a blogger knows there is an extended family of friends forming the core of the blog's readership. That global support group can reassure the writer that they are not alone in the world. Knowing that others are out there who care about you and your life might make all the difference in your life. Your readers are your friends, and indeed your extended family. Share with them and let them become part of your life, as you become an integral part of their lives as well.
A tired blogger, perhaps feeling ill or burned out from blogging, is able to discuss the problem with other knowledgeable writers. All have experienced fatigue, a lack of ideas, or a gnawing sense that the blog no longer serves its purpose for the writer. With many of the blog readership being comprised of other bloggers, new and fresh ideas can be generated and shared.

Emotion in the blog can be a very powerful means of developing and strengthening connections with others. The interpersonal aspect of blogging, in the form of relationship building, is a key factor in any personal or business blog.
Let your emotions help you to create an even better blog.
The resulting relationships could be some of the most rewarding of your life.
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