Conversations with Experts: How to Build Your Business On and Off-line
Hosted by Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff of Build a Better Blog System.
Wake ‘em Up: How Any Professional can Use Public Speaking to SkyRocket Their Career . . . and make a ton of money too.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 8:30 p.m. ET - Free
Guest Expert: Tom Antion, Antion.com
Being able to stand up in front of a crowd and WOW! them can make you more money than you could ever imagine. WOWING a crowd doesn't mean you are juggling ten bowling balls or doing a fire eating and sword swallowing act. It means giving the audience members great information that will help them and delivering it with an appropriate amount of humor and involvement.

The master at not only doing this, but teaching it as well is our guest on this week’s call, Tom Antion. Tom will be sharing the secrets, tips and techniques used by top level professional speakers who must “knock ‘em dead” every time they speak.
You will learn:
Tom’s number one method of preparing for a presentation . . . you will virtually guarantee a home-run presentation if you do this.
10 ways to be great on stage . . .master even a few of these and watch your applause….and your income store.
10 ways to make money speaking . . . you can pick the ways you are most comfortable with so you always feel great about being on stage.
How to get large fees from corporations and associations . . . you’ll be an industry celebrity and have people calling you to speak.
How mixing products with your speaking can multiply you 100 fold . . . you can be speaking one place and have money coming in from 100 different sources.
You’ll also get a lesson in how to make your reputation spread by giving massive value every time you speak. How will you get your lesson? Tom will demonstrate this on the call by giving you one of the most content rich teleseminars you’ve ever been on.
Tom Antion is a veteran of over 2500 paid speaking engagements all around the world. He has earned as much as $250,000 in one 90 minute speech and averages 60-80K at each engagement. He is the author of the Wake ‘em Up Video Professional Speaking System and he was also the speaking expert picked by MSNBC to critique President Bush’s speech to congress.
Register for this conversation with Tom Antion: ConversationsWithExperts.com
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Conversations with Experts is sponsored by Build a Better Blog System.
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