It seems that everyone is creating their usual New Years Resolutions list. Bloggers are no exceptions, and you will find resolutions and predictions for 2006 everywhere on the internet.
How about we create some blog resolutions.
As most people know, resolutions are made to be broken. Well, it's a good thing that no one takes them too seriously, then. Since most resolutions are very often simply setting oneself up for failure, they are very often the source of some personal regret. Instead of that possibility, since I like to be a positive blogger, let's try some fun ideas that last all year long.
Here are some blog resolutions, that I hope everyone keeps in mind for 2006. Some of them are blogging best practices that more bloggers should adopt. The rest are, well, resolutions, and for what most of us think of them, see the statements above.
Bloggers should always link to their sources of information, rather than pretending the idea was their original thought. Place a link to the blog post or internet article, right in your blog post. A second link to the original blogger's home page is always a nice courtesy, as it shares more of that blogger's writings with your own readers. Think double link, and be doubly sure that proper credit is awarded.
Resolve to write at least one new blog post every day. It helps in the search engines, and keeps your readers returning day after day. If you are unable to write every day, at the very least choose alternate days for posting.
Pledge to help other bloggers succeed with their blogs. We bloggers are really one big, although often dysfunctional family, and we should help one another. Freely share your advice for writing better posts, getting more visitors, making a bit of money from your blog, and making your blog look more attractive with other bloggers. Think of the good karma you will build. If what goes around really does come around, it's better that only good things travel in your direction.
Link freely to blogs, new and old. If you like a new blog, be the first on your blog block to place a link to it on your blogroll. The new blogger will appreciate the recognition from an established blogger like yourself. Remember how excited we all were to receive that first un requested inbound link from another blog.
Experiment with your blog posts. Write something entirely different from your regular information, thoughts, or ideas. Blogs are meant to be fun. Play with them. Blogging is best when not thought of as work.
Submit your blog to the various free blog directories. They give you a boost in the search engine rankings, and some new readers will find your blog that way. You might even make some new friends and business associates.

Make friends with other bloggers. They are some of the nicest people in the world. I have personally made many very close friends as a result of my blogging efforts. Many bloggers have developed some very lucrative business ventures in partnership with other bloggers. You can too.
Start a small business using your blog as a base. You already have the committment to write regular blog posts. You know that blogs will increase your visitor traffic. Put the power of blogging to work as a money maker for you. If you have a traditional online business website, add a business blog component to it as well.
Join with other bloggers in some joint business ventures. More heads and hands make for lighter work, and more revenue for everyone. Boosting the economy helps everyone in your community.
Write a funny blog post once in awhile. The laughter will do you and your readers a lot of good. You know what they say about laughter being the best medicine. Better yet, no needles to hurt, or yucky tasting semi-congealed syrup on a spoon to choke down.
Submit some of your best posts to the various internet Carnivals. They are a great traffic builder, and besides, you get to share your wisdom with more of the world.
Check your visitor logs to find what your visitors actually want to read about on your blog. The main search terms that find your blog, are what your readers want to see on your blog. Make them happy by listening to their wishes.
Nominate blogs and vote for blogs in the various blog awards shows. Your favourite blog can't win if you don't vote for them. Who knows, someone might even nominate your blog for an award.
Finally, pick a blog or two at random from your blogroll once a month, and send them a e-card or simply a friendly e-mail greeting. Just say hi to someone for no reason. You will definitely brighten their day; and yours as well.
Happy New Year bloggers.
2006 will be a great year for blogs and for bloggers.
Celebrate that you were into blogging and entered the blogosphere on the ground floor.
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