Use What You Have to Get What You Want
100 Basic Ideas That Mean Business
By: Jack Nadel
Published: February 1, 2011
Format: Perfect Paperback, 128 pages
ISBN-10: 0984628207
ISBN-13: 978-0984628209
Publisher: JNJ Publisher
"The American Dream is best when shared by many", writes recognized world leader in the worldwide sales promotion industry, and founder of Jack Nadel International, Jack Nadel in his engaging and wisdom filled book Use What You Have to Get What You Want: 100 Basic Ideas That Mean Business. The author shares the truisms that he not only discovered and championed, but also lived by in his highly successful sixty-five year career as a global product creator and marketer.
Jack Nadel doesn't simply repeat the usual tired business homilies from rote. He shares the concepts in this delightful book from his heart. Each of the ideas presented is based on the author's vast experience in the real world of global business. The result is a book of proven advice that will benefit any business person achieve success in the real world. Jack Nadel starts his business journey with a recommendation of a change in attitude to one of success of achievement. For the author, without a true deeply held belief and conviction that success is not only possible, but will definitely happen, success will remain elusive. The author not only encourages reading the aphorisms, but internalizing them to become part of the business person's inner belief system. With these ideas becoming part of the business person's personal and company DNA, then success will follow.

Jack Nadel (photo left) learned his business concepts through real world experience. When discharged from the US Army Air Corps as a decorated veteran in 1946, the author lacked both money and formal education. What he did possess was drive, conviction, and a belief that business success was not only possible, but inevitable. What jack Nadel learned over his decades of business life was that good business is also fair and ethical business. business success is more than creating good products and making money. Those are only the outcome of business practices based on ensuring that everyone benefits from every transaction. Good products and services mean very little if the business person and organization lack integrity. A successful business person, writes the author, also expresses humility and recognizes that there is always more to learn, and that there will always be others who possess more knowledge and experience in any aspect of business or of life. The author also recognizes that a successful and sustainable business depends, not only on having great people, but also in helping those employees take pride in their work. For Jack Nadel, the guiding principles of honesty, ethics, and sharing the American Dream extend to everyone within and outside of the organization.
For me, the power of the book is how Jack Nadel summarizes his sixty-five years of business experience into a very enjoyable book that expresses his philosophy very well. Along with the philosophical basis for his convictions, the author also shares some very important concepts for operating a successful business. What is really unique about Jack Nadel's blending of the practical with the philosophical, is how the two schools of thought are entwined into one consistent whole. For Jack Nadel, it's not enough to just conduct business. It's critical that one live the ideals of the business as well. For the author, one cannot survive without the other. In this yin and yang concept of business, true success is not achievable if one or the other element is missing from the personal and organizational vision.
I highly recommend this beautiful and timeless gem of a book Use What You Have to Get What You Want: 100 Basic Ideas That Mean Business by Jack Nadel, to anyone who is truly interested in achieving complete success in their business and in their life. The author discards completely the idea that making money or creating good products constitutes success. In place of that incomplete vision, Jack Nadel proposes a holistic and completely internalized system where a belief in principle and action work together to reach the pinnacle of success.
Read the wonderful and idea packed book Use What You Have to Get What You Want: 100 Basic Ideas That Mean Business by Jack Nadel, and put the author's sixty-five years of business experience to work for you. This action oriented book will help to create a vision of the American Dream that benefits everyone.
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