Hell Yes!
Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life
By: Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin
Published: March 2009
ISBN-13: 9780740779190
Format: Hardcover, 96pp
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
"If it's not a "Hell Yes!" then it's a "Hell No". Can these two little words really make your life simpler and happier?", asks best selling author Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin in her inspirational guide to a happier life Hell Yes! Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life. The author's response to that provocative question is, of course, a resounding "Hell Yes!".
Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin recognizes that people often feel pressure or guilt, when asked to perform a task, to attend an event, or give up time for a request. The author points out that unless a person really wants to respond with what she calls a "Hell Yes!", it's better for all concerned to give it a "Hell No!". In a business setting, a person short of time may be asked to do another task. By resisting the temptation to say yes, and avoiding hurt feelings or loss of prestige, the opportunity is opened up for the request to be asked of another employee. Indeed, that co-worker may even respond with an enthusiastic "Hell Yes!", as the task would be a dream come true for them.
Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin (photo left) points out that ego, and concern for the feelings of others, often stand in the way of a person's own dreams and aspirations. The author doesn't believe that anyone should settle for second best in life, in romance, or in a career. By giving oneself permission to say "Hell No!" to a request that is not part of what makes a person happy, the valuable time of everyone concerned is not wasted. Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin is correct when she writes that wonderful opportunities arise constantly, so it's a mistake to agree to something not part of your dream life. By refusing the offer, the opportunity can be presented to someone else who may love that chance to say "Hell Yes!".
For me, the power of this sparsely worded, but wonderfully illustrated by James Yang book, is the simplicity of its message. The author packs many of life's greatest truths into clear and concise sentences, underlining the message of following your own path to happiness. All too often, people say a reluctant yes to projects and events that do not interest them, instead of turning them down. A rejection, writes Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin isn't the end of the world for either person. Instead, it opens up a window of opportunity for someone else. The simple philosophy and having the attitude that anything that is not a "Hell Yes!", should be given a "Hell No!", helps everyone involved to be happier with their lives.
I highly recommend Hell Yes! Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin, to anyone who has difficulty with refusing unpleasant or unwanted tasks. The requests may can range from those of family, employers, friends, or potential dates. Unless the request fulfills your dreams, it is best to pass the opportunity to others. This book may be especially valuable as a gift to recent high school or college graduates, as sound advice for pursuing their dreams.
Read Hell Yes! Two Little Words for a Simpler, Happier Life by Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin, and make all of your life changing decisions based on the author's simple but powerful formula. If it's not a "Hell Yes!", then give it a "Hell No!". Your life will be happier and more rewarding as a result of those two little words.
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