Monday, July 28, 2008

What Writers Need To Know About Publishing by Jerry D. Simmons - Book review

What Writers Need To Know About Publishing

By: Jerry D. Simmons

Published: 2007
ISBN 13: 978-0-9789247-0-6
ISBN 10: 0-9789247-0-3
Format: Paperback, 207pp

It is imperative that writers understand the basics and the power of the business of book publishing, writes Jerry D. Simmons in his essential book What Writers Need To Know About Publishing. The author states, in no uncertain terms, that the writer must understand the influence of every person in every department who has a hand in publishing their book and especially how books are marketed and sold.

Jerry Simmons reminds his readership that publishing is a multi-billion dollar industry where sales and marketing of books are crucial to their success in business. As a result, it is vital for a writer to understand how the industry works from the inside. Jerry Simmons shares his twenty-five years of experience, in the New York publishing world, with writers to help them and their books stand out in the crowded book marketplace. With thousands of new titles being added to those already competing for buyers and for shelf space, inside information can help turn a book idea into a best seller.

Writers, who seek to become published authors, are often not aware of how many people are involved with bringing their book from manuscript to the bookstore shelves. Getting to know the right people within the publishing house not only helps the author gain better exposure for their book, but helps the publisher to market the book as well. Editors and publishing companies want their books to sell, and to sell in volume. An author who understands how books are marketed to book buyer,s and distributed through the book supply chain, can help their volume sell more copies. Knowing an author will do what is needed to sell the book is of tremendous value to the publisher.

Jerry Simmons (photo left) takes the reader through the entire process of getting a book purchased and published by a major New York publisher. He starts with meeting and understanding how agents and editors work within the industry. The author follows the book through the crucial in house steps of positioning, book lists, and book publishing calendars. Jerry Simmons guides the would be author on through the process to the sales and marketing department as they sell books to the very important book buyers for the major book store chains. Knowing the right questions to ask along the way, about this entire process, will set a writer apart from her peers.

For me, the power of the book was the inside information, about the New York publishing industry and how it really works, that leaps off every page. Jerry Simmons shares the secrets that can turn a book and its creator into a successful published author. The section on how a book is positioned on the publisher's book list is vital information for any writer. Also crucial to an author's success is understanding how the numbers in publishing, especially sales and return numbers, can make or break an author's career. This essential information makes the book a must read for any would be published author.

I highly recommend What Writers Need To Know About Publishing by Jerry D. Simmons, to anyone who seeks a publishing contract with one of the major New York publishers. By applying this must read insider information, the budding author can work productively with the publishing house, as a partner in building the book's success.

Read What Writers Need To Know About Publishing by Jerry D. Simmons, and become the successful published author of your dreams with your literary masterpiece on the top of the best seller lists.

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