Monday, July 14, 2008

The Secret of Transitions by Jim Manton - Book review

The Secret of Transitions

How to Move Effortlessly to Higher Levels of Success

By: Jim Manton

Published: Mar 31, 2008
ISBN: 9781931741910
Format: Paperback, 126pp
Publisher: Robert D. Reed Publishers

Waking up and seeing clearly is the beginning of transition, writes executive coaching consultant Jim Manton in his thought provoking book The Secret of Transitions: How to Move Effortlessly to Higher Levels of Success. In this deeply personal work, the author shares his personal and often painful journey of transition. He shows how his experiences can assist others in taking that all important first step into the unknown, that forms the basis of the transition.

Jim Manton approaches the crisis faced by the average person as one of lost purpose. Instead of answering the true calling of one's life, however, the natural tendency is to remain in the present. Even an unpleasant comfort zone is preferable for most people to that of the unknown. For the author, the true moment of life's transition is stepping into that void and becoming, for the moment, nothing at all. That fear of nothingness prevents most people from achieving true happiness in their lives. The book is about taking that leap of faith, without fear, into that void.

Jim Manton (photo left) serves as the reader's unflinching guide, to making the transition in life, toward reaching one's true potential in all aspects of life. Far beyond writing a financial success book, the author takes his readers on a true hero's journey. The course of action is one of the warrior, with the discarding of the fear of death and failure, to the acceptance of living life to its fullest. Combining the teaching of maintaining a positive attitude with a good old fashioned reality check, Jim Manton doesn't coddle his readers. Instead, he demands that they become the best parts of themselves writ large.

For me, the power of the book was its deeply personal story telling style. Jim Manton has lived the crises he describes and faced the void with courage. He arrived on the other side of the chasm of nothingness whole as a person who found his true calling. His teachings are those borne of personal experience and the facing down of his own demons real and imagined. The book combines practical lessons and coaching with the understanding of the imperative of dreaming of the ideal life. That personal hero's journey forms the backbone of the work, with the lessons filling in the spaces between the ribs.

I highly recommend The Secret of Transitions: How to Move Effortlessly to Higher Levels of Success by Jim Manton, to anyone with the courage to face the journey between the partial life that exists today, toward the true calling beyond the emptiness. The author challenges the readers to empower themselves, to step into the lives that represent their true natures, without fear.

Read The Secret of Transitions: How to Move Effortlessly to Higher Levels of Success by Jim Manton and break away from your comfort zone and achieve the greatness that lies within everyone.

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