Saturday, July 5, 2008

What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life and Success? by Dr. Joe Capista - Book review

What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life and Success?

Discover Secrets to Achieving TOTAL SUCCESS!

By Dr. Joe Capista

Publishing Date: 2008
ISBN 978-0-9658159-5-6
Format: Paperback 202 pages
Publisher: Maxwell Publishing

Dreams and desires can sometimes be more powerful than skills and intelligence, writes Dr. Joe Capista in his inspiring book What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life and Success?: Discover Secrets to Achieving TOTAL SUCCESS!. The author demonstrates how success means a balanced business and personal life, and how personal relationships with others, are crucial to what he calls total success.

Dr. Joe Capista is a successful dentist by any standards, but he began his practice from modest background. With the understanding that his practice was a people business, and not the dental profession, the author turned giving to others and sharing their concerns into success. Along the way, he received valuable and advice and support of mentors and others who helped him on his way. He repaid that gift by helping others in turn. Sharing the gifts of wisdom and understanding with others has led Dr. Capista to an even more successful life.

Dr. Joe Capista (photo left) is a man with a vision. His powerful and life changing advice of achieving your dreams can be applied to any business or profession. That insight is the lesson he shares as a dentist. His visionary approach to life and business personifies how goal setting is vital to overall success. The goals must remain aligned firmly to your core values, but the techniques applied to their achievement can and must evolve over time.

The achievement of goals requires discipline and commitment as well as constant striving for excellence, writes the author. As a result, he suggests very practical and useful systems for marketing your business, as well as yourself. The techniques are processes that can applied to any sales or marketing situation, so they are helpful for any business or professional organization. The systems take the guesswork out the sales and marketing function, and keep the business operations running smoothly.

For me, the power of the book was the combining of success and goal oriented principles with practical systems for their implementation. The author writes in plain language, and explains his concepts in easily understood terms. The message is part of his emphasis on clarity, and in helping others to understand his ideas. The hands on approach to goal achievement, through learning from others, and for always seeking to improve and become the best, is a central message of the book. The result is a powerful, and useful format to a balanced and successful life.

I highly recommend What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life and Success?: Discover Secrets to Achieving TOTAL SUCCESS! by Dr. Joe Capista, to anyone seeking an easy to understand book on achieving success in business and in life. The straight talking style presents the techniques that empower you to put your dreams into action, in a step by step manner.

Read What Can a Dentist Teach You About Business, Life and Success?: Discover Secrets to Achieving TOTAL SUCCESS! by Dr. Joe Capista, and start your personal journey to a successful and balanced life, regardless of your business or profession.

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