Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Get Noticed...Get Referrals by Jill Lublin - Book review

Get Noticed... Get Referrals

Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself

By: Jill Lublin

Published: May 2, 2008
ISBN: 9780071508278
Format: Paperback, 240pp
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

Networking and referral based business enable people to work successfully with one another and achieve outstanding results, writes Jill Lublin in her powerful, idea packed book Get Noticed... Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself. The author considers getting noticed, through tireless self promotion, is the fastest and most powerful way to build your business and profits.

Jill Lublin understands that many people are uncomfortable with the self promotion, that is an essential part, of being noticed by others. She points out that many attempts at self promotion are ineffective, and shares ideas and techniques for becoming more comfortable with garnering notice. On the modern and highly competitive business environment, a business person can't sit back and wait for business to arrive at their door or website. As a result, getting noticed by others, for the right reasons, is necessary for business success. Often, gaining that positive notice is simply being helpful, providing excellent service, and listening to and helping others solve their problems.

Jill Lublin (photo left) provides a powerful step by step process for achieving positive notice that will get referral business for a company. She demonstrates how being a good listener, and being a helpful person who is open and honest, will gain attention on their own.

Once a business person moves past that initial reluctance to use self promotion as a business building tool, she moves the process to higher levels. She shares techniques for attracting powerful media attention, and how to turn that media exposure into more business opportunities. Her advanced self promotion techniques are built around a positive attitude and helping others succeed.

Jill Lublin points out that people want to help others do well in business. At the same time, they are happy to recommend good business experiences to their friends, business associates, and family members. Building strong relationships with clients and customers creates an atmosphere of trust. As a result, satisfied clients are happy to refer business to a company that provides superior service, products, and results. The author shows how to ask for business referrals, in a positive way that encourages enthusiastic recommendations, for a company and its products and services.

For me, the power of the book is the author's development of a step by step process for self promotion that is both practical and effective. The ideas presented for getting noticed and getting referrals are based on honesty, helping others, and building strong personal relationships. These techniques are ideal for any business person who fears self promotion is equated with hard selling and loud negative activity. In fact, Jill Lublin points out, that contrary to the popular myth, bad publicity is not good for a company. She stresses that a business person should attract notice and attention for doing business the right way.

I highly recommend Get Noticed... Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself by Jill Lublin, for any business person who seeking ideas to attract positive attention to themselves and their business. The book is jam packed with ideas for self promotion that even the most reluctant self promoter can use with ease and confidence.

Read Get Noticed... Get Referrals: Build Your Client Base and Your Business by Making a Name for Yourself by Jill Lublin, and your business will get noticed, and receive more referral business than you ever imagined possible.

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