Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Answer by John Assaraf & Murray Smith - Book review

The Answer

Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life

By: Murray Smith, John Assaraf

Published: May 20, 2008
ISBN-10: 1-4165-6199-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-6199-6
Format: Hardcover, 320pp
Publisher: Atria Books

How can I have unlimited abundance, ask John Assaraf and Murray Smith in their landmark and visionary book The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life. Through its pages, the authors explore wisdom, the brain, and the power of the universe, and create the definitive textbook on the Law of Attraction.

The book is an enlightening journey of discovery, that begins with co-author John Assaraf (photo left) finding a photo of his newly purchased San Diego home, in a sealed shipping box. To his amazement, he had clipped a photo from a magazine of that exact house, and placed it into the packing box, many years before the purchase of the home. He sets out to answer the question of how he came to select and buy that particular home, and no other, based on a long and seemingly forgotten photograph. The resulting book is an explanation of the relationship between science of the brain, quantum physics, powerful universal laws described in the book, along with the techniques that team them together.

Co-authors Murray Smith (photo left) and John Assaraf are highly successful entrepreneurs who live their teachings, and their business achievements are a testament to their application of the principles in the book. The authors go far beyond the theory of the Law of Attraction into the science behind success.They demonstrate how brain and cognitive science, as well as complex quantum physics work to bring about the needs and wants of the individual. The book provides the practical and intellectual tools necessary for reaching even the most improbable of goals.

As the authors explain, the subconscious mind never rests and has its focus on the here and now. As a result, that part of the brain acts in the present time, giving the individual unlimited power to create a positive and visual reality. The subconscious part of the brain considers all thoughts to be real, whether experienced or imagined by the person. As a result, showing and telling your subconscious that you are successful and that your dreams will come true, will be turned into that reality. Quantum science works in the tiniest of realms, where matter turns into pure thought forming the universe. The mind taps into that intelligent universe to create its desires in the material world.

For me, the power of the book is the practical application of the Law of Attraction, and its combination with real science. For many people, the concept that we create our own reality, and that the universe provides what we request, had been in the area of fantasy. With the application of leading edge discoveries of how the brain really works, the book shows how the science can be applied to your own life. Through application of the concepts presented, and an understanding of how the brain works, anyone can reach even their wildest dreams. That idea in itself is revolutionary in the world of science.

I highly recommend The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf and Murray Smith to anyone seeking to live the life of their dreams. Instead of platitudes, the book sets out the guideposts to success. All you have to do is let yourself follow them. Whether it's finding your ideal customer, setting your true business goals, or taking the right plan of action, the book provides the answer for you.

Read The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf and Murray Smith, and start your own personal journey to experiencing a new and exciting reality.

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