Sunday, April 12, 2009

Big Ticket eCommerce by Bob Regnerus - Book review

Big Ticket eCommerce

How to Sell High-Priced Products and Services Using the Internet

By: Bob Regnerus

Published July 1, 2008
ISBN-10: 0976462494
ISBN-13: 978-0976462491
Format: Paperback 206 pp
Publisher: Innovation Press

"If you sell products and services that are expensive and complex, it's time to use the Big Ticket eCommerce approach", writes internet marketing expert Bob Regnerus in his practical and profit boosting book Big Ticket eCommerce: How to Sell High-Priced Products and Services Using the Internet. The author provides an easy to understand guide to selling high priced goods and services, by adding an internet marketing component to an existing bricks and mortar business.

Bob Regnerus moves far beyond the standard shopping cart model of internet business, and describes how to market any product or service online. While many business people consider their goods and services unsuited to ecommerce, due to complexity or a long marketing cycle, the book demonstrates clearly how to change that perception. Because any product or service can be explained through a website, it's essential for the site to be much more than the standard brochure site. The author explains how to make a successful transition to a site that markets big ticket items successfully.

Bob Regnerus (photo left) understands that many business people may want to market their higher priced goods and services on the internet, but lack the knowledge of how to make the venture work profitably. The author devotes much of the book to building traffic to the website, and how to market the products and services, when the visitors arrive at the appropriate web page. The author guides the reader on how to create a site that will drive qualified leads to the brick and mortar business, enhancing any existing lead generation techniques. For really complex sales, the website created prospects can contact the company or any listed sales representatives, shortening the sales cycle time effectively.

For me, the power of the book is its practical approach to what has long been considered a difficult internet marketing problem. The process required to market long cycle and complex products and services is not well suited to the standard shopping cart based ecommerce model. The prospect for complex sales usually requires more information from the company sales department. The problems requiring solutions are not likely solved in one visit to the website, rendering the one step shopping cart sales system ineffective. For complex sales, the value of an enhanced brochure site is in the generation of qualified leads. Bob Regnerus explains, in simple language, how to find those prospects and help them to take appropriate action toward completing a sale.

I highly recommend Big Ticket eCommerce: How to Sell High-Priced Products and Services Using the Internet by Bob Regnerus, to any existing company owners or managers who consider their complex, high value products or services unsuited for internet marketing. The author takes the mystery out of ecommerce, and explains how to generate high traffic flow to the site, and sending qualified leads to the sales force.

Read Big Ticket eCommerce: How to Sell High-Priced Products and Services Using the Internet by Bob Regnerus, and take your big ticket product or services marketing to the next level through your company website. Instead of employing frustrating trial and error tactics, or avoiding the internet entirely, put the power of the world wide web to work, and build your sales of big ticket items to new and ever higher levels of success.

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