Monday, March 2, 2009

2011 Trendspotting For The Next Decade - Book review


Trendspotting For The Next Decade

By: Richard Laermer

Published: Apr 11, 2008
ISBN: 9780071497275
Format: Hardcover, 256pp
Publisher: McGraw-Hill

"Welcome to a business book for the next decade", writes best selling author and public relations expert Richard Laermer in his thought provoking book 2011: Trendspotting For The Next Decade. The author presents dozens of intriguing trends in business, technology, entertainment, and society that he sees emerging in the next decade. Indeed, many of the trends are already taking form, and are accelerating toward new and different ways of viewing business and society.

Richard Laermer doesn't set out to be futurist or to forecast the future. Instead, he presents trends that are appearing all around us, in every aspect of our lives. What is especially exciting about the trends identified in the book, is the return of honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in both business and in society as a whole. The trends, as the author sees them, are moving away from celebrity worship and the end cultural preference for image over substance. In business, ethics and customer service will become essential, especially in a society less likely to choose hype over quality.

Richard Laermer (photo left) recognizes the importance of technology to our working and daily lives, but also how people are less excited about new technology based products. Instead of viewing the new devices and enhancements as toys, the products will be forced to demonstrate their usefulness for improving the quality of life. In fact, the author thinks enhancements to the overall quality of work, leisure, and home life will take center stage in the next decade. In a new decade of more open and personal relationships, both online and offline, society will expect and demand and expect open and honest behavior. The days of style instead of real substance are over.

For me, the power of the book was its powerful insights into the growing need and desire for more honest and ethical business practices. In an economic downturn, people will be less inclined to spend scarce resources on products and services that fail to meet expectations. Those consumers will simply ignore companies who don't value their customers. At the same time, companies will be more selective in whom they have as customers, to conserve precious time and money for superior service to their valued clientele. The many trends presented by the author, in short easy to understand chapters, provide the reader with room to expand upon or take full advantage of the events of the next decade.

I highly recommend the visionary 2011: Trendspotting For The Next Decade by Richard Laermer, to anyone who is serious about understanding changing trends in business and in society. Many of the forecast societal changes are already happening, and their arrival in full force will occur very soon. Being prepared for the future provides lead time for preparation for the arising opportunities.

Read 2011: Trendspotting For The Next Decade by Richard Laermer, and have the future events of the next decade, in your hands today. The future, after all, starts right now.

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