Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jackie Stavros & Diana Whitney: Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders Of Change - Blog Business Success Radio


President of Corporation For Positive Change Diana Whitney and Associate Professor of Graduate Management at Lawrence Tech University Jackie Stavros, co-authors of the completely revised definitive textbook on embracing organizational change The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change, describe change method Appreciative Inquiry for identifying a company's positive core to heighten energy and vision for positive change and growth.

Jackie Stavros and Diana Whitney are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, August 21, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

President of Corporation For Positive Change Diana Whitney and Associate Professor of Graduate Management at Lawrence Tech University Jackie Stavros, co-authors of the completely revised definitive textbook on embracing organizational change The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change, describe change method Appreciative Inquiry (AI) for identifying a company's positive core. You will learn:

* Why the Appreciative Inquiry AI system works for organizational transformation

* How to apply the AI principles to any size or type organization

* How the AI techniques differ from traditional problem solving systems

* Why looking at the positive features can strengthen company weaknesses

Jackie Stavros (photo left) possesses sixteen years of strategic planning, marketing, international and training experience. She has traveled to over a dozen countries in Asia, Europe and North America. Jackie has spent the last eight years incorporating Appreciative Inquiry (AI) methodologies into her training and consulting work. Appreciative Inquiry is the “art and practice of asking questions that strengthen a system’s capacity to apprehend, anticipate and heighten positive potential.” It builds upon the positive core of the organization.

She uses this process to work with individuals, teams, divisions and organizations to facilitate strategic change initiatives. She works with executives, managers, staff and line teams and an organization’s stakeholders to collaboratively and creatively help them get organized and focused for profitable growth. Through AI coaching, she helps organizations identify and articulate their UVO (unique value offering).

Her clients include ACCI Business System, Fasteners, Inc., General Motors of Mexico, NASA, Tendercare Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Centers, Tuffy Mufflers, United Way and FCI Automotive.

Diana Whitney, Ph.D. (photo left) is Founder and President of Corporation For Positive Change and a Founder of the Taos Institute.

She is an internationally recognized consultant, speaker, and thought leader on the subjects of Appreciative Inquiry, positive change, and spirituality at work.

She is the author or editor of five books and dozens of articles, and chapters including The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change(with David Cooperrider and Jackie Stavros), The Appreciative Inquiry Summit (with James Ludema, Bernard Mohr and Thomas Griffin) and The Power of Appreciative Inquiry (with Amanda Trosten-Bloom). In addition, she has edited three collections on Appreciative Inquiry including: Appreciative Inquiry and Organization Transformation, and Appreciative Inquiry: Rethinking Human Organization Toward a Positive Theory of Change.

Diana teaches and consults in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. She has lectured and taught at Antioch University, Case Western Reserve University, Ashridge Management Institute in London, Saybrook University, Eisher Institute in India and others. The focus of Diana’s consulting is strategic planning, mergers, large-scale transformation, and service excellence. Her clients include British Airways, Hunter Douglas, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Accenture, GTE-Verizon, GE Capitol, Johnson & Johnson, Sandia National Labs, NY Power Authority, PECO, Veterans Affairs and the Department of Labor. Her work with GTE led to the 1997 Best Organization Change Award by ASTD.

My book review of The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change 2nd Edition by David L. Cooperrider, Diana L. Whitney, and Jacqueline M. Stavros.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with President of Corporation For Positive Change Diana Whitney and Associate Professor of Graduate Management at Lawrence Tech University Jackie Stavros, co-authors of the completely revised definitive textbook on embracing organizational change The Appreciative Inquiry Handbook For Leaders of Change, as they describe change method Appreciative Inquiry for identifying a company's positive core to heighten energy and vision for positive change and growth on Blog Business Success Radio.


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