Friday, August 22, 2008

Corporate Sponsors for Conference Attendees? It Can Happen!

Every day business people receive opportunities to attend conferences all over North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and every other continent. I am expecting a conference booked in Antarctica any day now. Attending these worthwhile events is not possible financially for everyone, however.

Blogging and social media conferences offer thought leaders as speakers and panelists, providing bleeding edge ideas that can transform a business financially. The many conferences, large and small, provide unique networking opportunities for attendees. Connections formed or enhanced at the events can evolve into business partnerships and companies that benefit the economy as a whole. Without being in attendance, these very tangible benefits may never be realized.

For independent business people, and small business owners in particular, the travel and registration costs place the conference outside their limited budgets. Faced with the choice of either attending the event, or making a pressing purchase or paying employees, the conference becomes the budget casualty. While not every independent business person, or non-employer business owner wants to attend every industry conference, many people are unable to attend any at all.

The solution to this financial dilemma could be the corporate sponsorship. A large company, with a budget for public relations or marketing, could sponsor one or more attendees at a conference. It's also not outside of the realm of possibility for airlines, rail, or bus companies to provide transportation for independent business people. Hotels and motels could provide complimentary rooms, for the stay in the conference host city, as well. The public relations value of sponsorships is also larger than it appears at first glance.

Along with the potential for good press as a sponsor, the corporation also enjoys the potential of an ambassador at the conference itself. One thing that is certain that the sponsored attendee will become a brand evangelist for the corporation. Along with blogging, and sharing the good news about the sponsorship on social media sites from Twitter to Facebook, the attendee will provide powerful word of mouth advertising and goodwill for the sponsor. In a down economy, the sponsorship could be much more cost effective than traditional marketing expenditures.

Once the conference is over, the corporation can even invite their sponsored attendee to share what was learned with company employees. Corporations usually have budgets for consulting services. What better use of some of those resources than having their sponsored business person present the latest concepts in blogging, social media, and conversational marketing to the rest of the company. The result could be a multiplication of revenue many times the initial sponsorship amount. A window into the future, and a leading edge marketing concept can turn the sponsoring corporation into an industry thought leader. The competitive advantage gained is powerful for all stakeholders.

To get companies willing to sponsor attendees of conferences together, what is needed is a central website to get everyone together. Think of the possibility of a conference sponsor match making site where potential attendees apply for sponsorships, where conferences list their highlights and dates, and where the applicant will receive approval from the corporations involved. Companies offering sponsorships could be from every industry, as knowledge is universal, and valuable to all concerned. The public relations benefits and media exposure, that result from a sponsorship, far exceed the cash or service expenditure.

It's time for a corporate sponsorship program for independent business people.

It's a win win for everyone.

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