Bloggers are connectors. Everyone who creates a blog, and shares part of the world of citizen publishing and citizen broadcasting. There is much more to the relationships than simple connections. People are more than dots on a map. They are your friends, clients, customers, business partners, and extended family.
Whether writers, video blog developers, or verbal podcasters, bloggers do much more than just connect the dots. Bloggers form and build relationships far beyond anyone's imagination. In fact, so many crucial and life changing blog seeded relationships have been created that no one even thinks about it any longer. The multi-faceted interaction is now almost taken for granted.

An entirely new business model is emerging as a direct result of the blogosphere's relationship developing power. As with so many new technological developments, countless unexpected and wonderful things flow forth in abundance. One of these powerful outcomes is the blogger business partnership. Bloggers who have never met one another in person are forming online companies and establishing conferences. More importantly, the people are working together successfully.
How did all of this business activity take place? The business partners met through their respective blogs. The primary introduction, sharing and the important trust factor were formed and nurtured through shared blog posts, comments, and emails. Over time, the relationship blossomed into friendship and a full fledged business establishment was the happy event. Had the participants not been bloggers, there is only a minute chance their paths would have crossed in the offline world. Even if the people had met in person, the friendship pattern might have taken a much different course. The blog was the crucial catalyst.

As a business model, the blogger connection group is only in its infancy. Still in diapers, the blogger formed business has a long way to grow. That is great news for prospective entrepreneurs. The market for shared online services is growing, and is untapped to any real extent. The opportunities for bloggers, who have clicked on some deeper level, to share their talents and skills is only in the beginning stages. The initial hesitant baby steps toward blogger based companies have only started to appear online. There will be more bold movements in the future.
Bloggers are connectors, and it may be due to the personalities and traits that bloggers share together. The desire and urge to write and share ideas and thoughts with the world are characteristics all bloggers have in common. As a result, bloggers are often kindred spirits, and may connect on a much deeper level than with other people.
Meeting a blogger, with whom you have read, written, and shared thoughts, is like meeting an old friend. It may also be meeting a new business partner.
Bloggers are connectors. New entrepreneurial businesses are often the happy response, to those modest meetings, that started with a humble blog posting.
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