I was talking with a woman the other day who believed with all of her heart that the world was getting so complicated that it was no longer possible for an invidual to cope. She told me that her husband had been laid off his long term job through outsourcing. In their new apartment, following the sale of their house, they knew no one. For their family the world was simply moving too quickly, and they simply were unable to keep up with the turns.
I assured her that her husband would find another job, and that perhaps she could as well. I suggested a few businesses that might be looking for their particular skill sets, and that they might find gainful employment at one of them. She thanked me and went on her way.
Thinking about the incident later, it seemed to me that life is indeed too complex for many people. Unable to maintain a world that is familiar, and cut off from their previous relationships, many people are adrift. The need to simply a complicated world, and to reestablish some personal connections is foremost in their minds. As so often happens, the thought of blogs sprang to mind.

Blogging is all about building relationships, whether for business or for personal reasons. In the modern global village, the blogging technology helps isolated individuals build community. While the initial meeting might be online in the virtual world, the next meeting often takes place in the three dimensional landscape. The blog is the first step toward making personal connections.
The blog also helps to simplify the complexities of modern life. While the rest of the world appears to be spinning out of control, the blog nurtures the voice of simpler and gentler thoughts. Sharing ideas with others, whether they agree with your opinions or not, enables conversation. Communication is the most basic and simplest aspect of interpersonal relationships, whether by voice or written word. The blog establishes that conversation.
A blog can simplify the world and return it to a human scale. Conversations can be started, developed, and helped to grow into strong interpersonal connections. Words are the magic of the blog. The blogger holds that magic in the mouse and keyboard.
As this year of 2005 draws to a close, think about simplicity and building relationships with others. They are probably seeking friends and personal connections just like you.
Let your blog speak to others in 2006.
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