Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-figure Income
By: Darren Rowse, Chris Garrett
Published: May 31, 2008
ISBN: 9780470246672
Format: Paperback, 230pp
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
There is a growing number of bloggers earning a full-time living from blogging, and you can be one of them, write Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett in their practical and blogger life changing book ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-figure Income. Full time blogging doesn't come overnight, however, and requires hard work, discipline, and the desire to keep following your dream. The authors provide the tools necessary to make blogging your full-time income and business career, and turning those dreams into reality.

Authors Darren Rowse (photo left) and Chris Garrett (photo below left) are full-time bloggers who earn their living from blogs. Their experience with both the ups and the downs of professional blogging are shared in their book. Readers who dream of creating a blogging business empire would be well advised to follow their advice. One of the most important factors the writers stress is the need for patience and long range planning, as high income from blogs takes time to develop and hard work on the part of the blogger. The book provides the tools and techniques that can turn a blog from a hobby into a successful online business.
Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett start with the basics of blogging so the novice gets started on the right track from the very beginning. Most long time bloggers, and the authors are no exceptions, made countless mistakes with their blogs, their writing, and their attempts at revenue generation. The blogging concepts presented in the book will prevent those novice errors from derailing new bloggers. The reader is shown how to blog the right way, with proven methods that have worked for countless successful bloggers all over the internet.

From selecting a blog niche, to hosting and domain name, to blog design and layout, to traffic building and search engine optimization, the authors share proven techniques with the reader. The reader is shown step by step how to find blog post topics and ideas, how to write posts that will attract readership, and how to use the social media networks to leverage additional blog traffic.Advanced blogging theory, with real life successful examples, include buying and selling blogs and the benefits and drawbacks of joining blog networks.
For me, the power of the book is its practical approach to creating, developing, and maintaining a successful income generating blog. Building a six figure income from blogging is the aim of the book, and the authors provide the information to achieve that goal. The authors not only demonstrate how to apply a blogging technique, employing numerous illustrative graphics and screen shots, but they explain why that concept is crucial to the goal.
Each step in the process of professional blogging is as important as the next, and the authors emphasize the importance of each one to the blog's overall success. In fact, the advice offered is helpful for any bloggers, regardless of their current level of experience.
I highly recommend ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-figure Income by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, to anyone seeking to develop an income from blogging, whether they are novice bloggers or established members of the blogging community. The advice and experience shared in the book will help anyone become a better and more financially successful blogger.
Read ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-figure Income by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, and be well on the path toward a six figure, full-time income from blogging. This is one of those wonderful opportunities, to turn the blog you love to write, into a rewarding and ejoyable professional blogging career.